Professional skills in 2021 and beyond
In this article, the Centro para el Desarrollo de Lenguas Extranjeras (CDLE) presents some...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | May 28, 2021 | VIDA UNIVERSITARIA | 0 |
In this article, the Centro para el Desarrollo de Lenguas Extranjeras (CDLE) presents some...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Ago 10, 2020 | CULTURA PARA ARMAR, ES ACTUAL, VIDA UNIVERSITARIA | 0 |
Do you talk, read and understand another language but you do not know if you are advanced, medium...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Jul 23, 2020 | CULTURA PARA ARMAR | 0 |
Teens from around the world share plenty in common. One of those coincidences is that they must read their country’s literature in High School. These books are part of a program and had a purpose in your academic life. Now,...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Nov 11, 2019 | ES ACTUAL, VIDA UNIVERSITARIA | 0 |
Learning a second language is a challenge for many and a nightmare for others, but it is important...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Oct 16, 2019 | VIDA UNIVERSITARIA | 0 |
The online world is almost like the universe: infinite. The possibilities to find anything are...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Jun 7, 2019 | ES ACTUAL, VIDA UNIVERSITARIA | 0 |
Many students are confronted with the idea that the language lessons taken years ago define them...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Abr 9, 2019 | ES ACTUAL, VIDA UNIVERSITARIA | 0 |
The world changes day by day, nothing is ever static and neither are languages. They are...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Ene 10, 2019 | ES ACTUAL | 0 |
Learning languages can be tricky, not just by the fact that in most cases self-motivation is vital...
Leer máspor Comunicaciones UCAB | Dic 4, 2018 | VIDA UNIVERSITARIA | 0 |
Accents are part of our life, they can tell who a person is and where they come from. According to...
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